Effective Date: September 3, 2023

1. Introduction

At cooloringa.com, we understand the importance of safeguarding your privacy online. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") outlines the types of information we gather, how we protect it, and the circumstances under which we may disclose it to third parties. Should you have any questions regarding this Policy, feel free to reach out to us.


While cooloringa.com features content related to children's activities, the website is designed for use by adults, specifically parents. Websites targeting children under the age of 13 are required to follow certain regulations according to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) [15 U.S. Code ยง 6502] and COPPA Rule [16 CFR Part 312]. As cooloringa.com is intended for parents, we do not adhere to COPPA compliance measures.


A. Information Collection: To access specific sections of cooloringa.com, we may ask you to provide us with identifiable personal data ("Personal Information"). This information can include:

We also store any information you submit when reaching out to us.

C. Privacy Policy Updates: If we make changes to this Policy, we will inform you by displaying a notice on cooloringa.com. If you disagree with the updated Policy, you may cease using the website.

D. Do Not Track Signals: We currently do not respond to "Do Not Track" signals.

E. Google Tracking: We utilize specific Google services, including but not limited to Google Analytics, to analyze website traffic and enhance user experience. To opt out of this tracking, visit here and here.

F. Google Advertising Cookies: Third-party vendors like Google and Ad Thrive may use cookies and web beacons to serve targeted ads. These cookies allow them and their partners to serve ads based on your online activity. Opt out by visiting here or here.

G. Embedded Content From Other Websites: Our articles may contain embedded content (e.g., videos, images) from sites like YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Interacting with this content is similar to visiting these websites directly, and these sites may collect data, use cookies, and track your interactions.


We routinely gather certain types of information automatically when you visit cooloringa.com, including: (1) IP addresses; (2) domain servers; (3) types of computers used for access; and (4) web browsers utilized (collectively, "Traffic Data"). Although Traffic Data doesn't identify you personally, it assists us in enhancing our marketing strategies and optimizing your user experience.


A. Our Use Of Information: We utilize your Personal Information to engage with you, assess the performance of cooloringa.com, and adhere to legal requirements. Kindly review this Section 4 attentively.

B. Sharing Personal Information: We may share specific types of information, as described in this Policy, with business partners who help us operate cooloringa.com by providing core services like hosting and email processing. If you prefer not to have your Personal Information shared with third parties, please contact us, but be aware that this will restrict your access to the website.

C. Use of Contact Data: Your Contact Data may be used for administrative communications such as responses to your queries. It may also be used to send you promotional emails featuring products (if you agreed to receive promotional emails), services, and updates. These emails may include messages and advertisements from third parties. Always check third-party privacy policies before sharing your data.

D. Sale of Information: If we opt to sell any part or the entirety of cooloringa.com, you consent to the inclusion of your Personal Information in the transaction and its transfer to the new owner.

E. Your Sharing Of Information: We offer social media buttons for sharing specific content. The choice to share is yours alone, and you understand that any comments or actions you make while sharing are your sole responsibility and not endorsed by cooloringa.com.


A. Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information: Unless specified otherwise in this Policy, your Personal Information will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties. Exceptions to this rule are: (a) to comply with legal obligations or court orders; (b) to defend our rights or property; or (c) to enforce the terms and conditions applicable to cooloringa.com.

B. Website Security: We employ reasonable security measures, including Secure Sockets Layer protocols and premium security software, to protect the information you provide. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your Personal Information due to the inherent risks associated with online activities.


If you have queries regarding this Policy or our handling of data on cooloringa.com, please reach out to us through the Contact page available on the website.